Table of Contents

List of configurable parameters 1/4

The parameters below affect the program's visual appearance.

Warning: do not change parameters you do not understand. If you are unsure, test the new value before saving the configuration. If any problems occur, reset the parameter to standard value.

Choose a character for drawing horizontal lines on the screen. Try all settings and select which one looks best on your screen. The option line graphics does not work in some terminals or with some fonts.
Number of lines (2-4) that the command or input line occupies on the screen.
Change the title of the terminal window when CLEX runs in an X Window environment. CLEX tries to restore the original title at exit.
The title is:
Command line prompt. The default value is (without the quotes):
'$s $p '
Following substitutions are performed: If you have superuser privileges, the word ROOT is included with the prompt to remind you to be careful. This is a security feature that cannot be turned off.
File panel layout. Format is:
where fields is a list of fields to be displayed.
Alternative file panel layout.
Alternative file panel layout.
Pick one of the layouts 1 to 3.
Select your preferred definition of one kilobyte (megabyte, etc.) The filesize is displayed according to this parameter.
strftime-style time format string or AUTO for autodetect.
strftime-style date format string or AUTO for autodetect.
The short format displays time of the day for recent timestamps (i.e. same day or not more than 16 hours ago). Otherwise the date is displayed. The two long formats display both date and time, date first or time first.
